Monday, January 28, 2008

Battling "Racism" After Nap Time

Fighting Racism- After A Nap

Clare Masters, Daly Telegraph
(Surry Hills, New South Wales),
January 26, 2008

CHILDREN as young as three are being taught anti-racism
lessons as part of the first State Government-funded
program designed to stamp out bigotry from a young age.

The program will be rolled out at a preschool in western
NSW and youngsters will be given regular lessons in
tolerance and multiculturalism.(And we all thought
that Marxist Indoctrination would end with the
Soviet Unions collapse.)

The move comes as NSW councils investigate implementing
a similar program across all council-funded daycare centres
across the state.

The Menindee Children’s Centre, a preschool in far western
NSW, has just received a $4000 grant to launch the first
State Government-funded program of its kind.

The focus on racism follows the 2005 Cronulla Riots and a
recent Australian Government survey which found more
than 40 per cent of migrants surveyed had come across
“some” or “a lot” of racism in Australia. ( As usual It's
the White population that's "guilty", and needs
to change.)

Claims of racism also blew up recently in the Sydney Test
between India and Australia.

NSW preschool’s director Hayley D’Ettorre said the centre
would use the funding to launch the program, which was to
include guest speakers and lessons on international music
as well as foods and books.

But she said the centrepiece of the program would be
regular discussions about racism.

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